
Connor 欧易交易所 2023-01-10 195 0


Pfizer's COVID-19 treatment Paxlovid will not be added to China's updated medical reimbursement list because the company asked for a very high price during the latest round of price negotiations that wrapped up on Sunday, the National Healthcare Security Administration said on Sunday. However, drugmakers of two other COVID-19 therapies — the homegrown Azvudine and the Qingfei paidu granule, a widely used traditional Chinese medicine to ease COVID-19 symptoms — have successfully struck a deal during the negotiation, said the administration.

今年,共有阿兹夫定片、奈玛特韦片/利托那韦片组合包装(下文简称“Paxlovid”)、清肺排毒颗粒3种新冠治疗药品通过企业自主申报、形式审查、专家评审等程序,参与了谈判。 其中,阿兹夫定片、清肺排毒颗粒谈判成功,Paxlovid因生产企业辉瑞投资有限公司报价高未能成功。


Although the highly-anticipated inclusion of Paxlovid was not achieved, the administration said that all COVID-19 drugs listed in the latest version of COVID-19 treatment protocol, including Paxlovid and Merck's Molnupiravir, will be reimbursed through to March 31.

据悉,该负责人表示,虽然Paxlovid未能通过谈判纳入医保目录,但根据近期国家医保局会同有关部门联合印发的《关于实施“乙类乙管”后优化新型冠状病毒感染患者治疗费用医疗保障相关政策的通知》要求,《新型冠状病毒感染诊疗方案(试行第十版)》中的所有治疗性药物, 包括Paxlovid、阿兹夫定片、莫诺拉韦胶囊、散寒化湿颗粒等,医保都将临时性支付到2023年3月31日。

With the two additions, the administration said that the medical reimbursement list will contain more than 600 types of drugs that have been proven to alleviate fevers, coughing and other COVID-19 symptoms.


Local healthcare security authorities have also included a number of COVID-19 drugs to their temporary reimbursement lists based on the capacity of local funds.



来源:新华网 中国日报 国家医疗保障局
